Pledge to Help Community Health Outreach Help Our Community
Our mission at Community Health Outreach is to feed the hungry (The Lord's Pantry), clothe the needy (Baby Luv), and heal the sick (our medical and dental clinic). We offer free services in these areas to the uninsured and financially insecure in Jacksonville.
Your pledge has a significant impact on providing direct assistance for our neighbors who are most in need.
There is no pledge too big or too small. Your gift makes a difference here so please CHOOSE CHO.
CHO Supporters - $25-250 (Name listed on annual publication, website, and one Facebook post)*
CHO Friends - $250-999 (Plus one letter from one of CHO's patients or clients.)
CHO Advocates - $1,000-4,999 (Plus Donor Spotlight* on social media, website, e-newsletter, and a CHO Ally t-shirt)
CHO Allies - $5,000+ (Plus a special plaque* on the wall in the lobby of our center)
CHO Activists - Volunteers (Name listed in annual publication and t-shirt for volunteers who serve a minimum of four times a month)
*With the exception of those who prefer to remain anonymous.
Annual memberships start at the beginning of December and can be renewed each year.